Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic & Abdominal Pain

Pelvic and abdominal pain can be the result of several factors, many of which are modifiable and treatable. The pain may be a result of a medical condition and treatment of the condition resolves the pain. The pelvic and abdominal pain that is a symptom of many conditions, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), chronic constipation, Chron’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, bowel and pelvic cancers, and post-surgical scarring can be helped with a combination of approaches, including physical therapy.

While physical therapy can’t treat the causes of these conditions, we can use pain neuroscience, pelvic floor therapy, lifestyle techniques, and traditional physical therapy to help increase your understanding of your body and decrease your pain.

Sometimes no medically identifiable source of your pain can be determined. Here is where physical therapy can help. We teach you to understand and reset your nervous system, and partner with you to develop techniques and lifestyle modifications that support your healing.

Bladder & Bowel Control

Losing pee, poop, or gas when you sneeze, cough, or laugh. Or when you’re exercising. Maybe you feel urgency to find a bathroom; and plan out your daily activities so that you always have a bathroom nearby.

These may be symptoms of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. And while this happens to a lot of people, it doesn’t need to happen. You may have been told this is normal after pregnancy or after surgery. Or normal as you advance in age. It doesn’t need to be normal and pelvic floor physical therapy can help.

A pelvic floor physical therapist can help you regain control of your bladder and/or bowels to relieve your symptoms of incontinence or overactive bladder. We can even offer virtual visits as a part of your customized program.